Wednesday, March 4, 2015

John McBride

By Ashley McBride

1. How do you get your news?
“The Messenger, The Register, and Channel 8 News websites"

2. Who is doing it right in the news?
“Rick Brown from the Des Moines Register”

3. How do you take your coffee?
“I don't drink coffee”

4. What is the best thing that happened to you this week?
“I got to go out to dinner with my wife and daughter”

5. What's the first news event that you remember?
“When Richard Nixon resigned from office”

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
“That they try to get it first before they get it right”

7. What's the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
“Well I don't have any chores or homework, but sometimes while working I listen to ESPN radio”

8. What is your favorite television show?

9. Who is your favorite news personality and why?

“Jon Stewart because he does a good job of pointing out the hypocrisy in the world”


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