Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Emanuel Perry


Emanuel Perry
Interviewed by Catalina Perry

Q- How do you get your news?
A.-T.V., Radio, verbal information, turning on computer to Yahoo news.
Q- Who is doing it right in the news?
A- Kent Brockman from the Simpsons and Bill O’Reilly.
Q- How do you take your coffee?
A- I don’t drink it.
Q- What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?
A- I studied the skeletal system in school.
Q-What’s the first news event that you remembered?
A- Hurricane Sandy, that was bad.
Q-What do you absolutely hate about the news?
A- When people argue, that’s the worst part.
Q-What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
A-I don’t listen to them regularly, but my favorite one was one on the Hobbit.
Q-What is your favorite television show?
Q-The Flash. It’s cool to watch the action and the different metahumans.
Q-Who is your favorite news personality and why?
A-Sean Hannity, I like his voice.
Q-Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today.


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