Monday, March 2, 2015

Chris Zwick

Chris Zwick by Cayle Suntken

      How do you get your news? Through social media
      Who is doing it right in news? I couldn’t tell you. After Brian Williams failed, who can we really trust?
      How do you take your coffee? None. I prefer cappuchinos.
      What’s the best thing that happened to you this week? Got paid, also received income tax refund
      What’s the first news event that you remember? 9/11
      What do you absolutely hate about the news? Constant opinions thrown around. CNN bashing Fox News, vice versa. I don’t mind opinions but they’re one-sided; no open minds.
      What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework? Mainly sports ones.
      What is your favorite television show? 30 Rock/The Big Bang Theory
      Who is your favorite news personality and why? Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert. I love what they do.

Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today.

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