Monday, March 2, 2015

Angalea Snyder

Angalea Snyder
Age: 25
Kiersten Kiene

1. How do you get your news?
Social media, if that. Because I very rarely watch the news, am on my phone, or read the paper.

2. Who is doing it right in news?
I don't know, they're all liars.

3. How do you take your coffee?
Lots of cream and sugar.

4.What's the best thing that happened to you this week?

5.What's the first news event that you remember?

6. What do you absolutely hate about the news?
The way that they manipulate everything.

7. What's the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
I don't listen to podcasts.

8. What is your favorite Television show?
The Walking Dead.

9. Who is your favorite news personality 
I don't watch the news.

10. Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today.

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