Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Jody Rooney


Jody Rooney
Interviewed By Catalina Perry

Q-How do you get your news?
A- Radio, 94.5, 92.1, 96.9, Messenger
Q-Who is doing it right in the news?
A-KCCI Channel 8
Q-How do you take your coffee?
A-Regular with lots of cream and sugar … a little too much!
Q-What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?
A-I woke up!
Q-What’s the first news event that you remembered?
A-911, I really never paid attention to watching the news as strange as it sounds for my age.
Q-What do you absolutely hate about the news?
A-Violence and politics; politicians are all a bunch of crooks, scammers and liars.
Q-What’s the best podcast to listen to while doing chores or homework?
A-I don’t listen to podcasts.
Q-What is your favorite television show?
A-I am always busy, usually have news in the background.
Q-Who is your favorite news personality and why?
A-Steve Karlin, he is professional and likeable on t.v., good personality.
Q-Send me a gif or image that explains how you feel about today.

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